The present study responds to these gaps using a very large sample of ayahuasca users. We analyse the frequency of ayahuasca’s adverse effects, as well as relationships between reported adverse effects and history of ayahuasca use, the reported strength of the acute spiritual experience, clinical, sociodemographic, and contextual variables. Self-rated satisfaction with life (SWL) increased during the do alcoholics get red noses sub-acute and long-term assessment when compared to baseline.
Visual Analogue Scale
During the sub-acute and follow-up assessments, participants’ scores increased up to average (range 20–24) and marginally high (range 25–29) levels of SWL, respectively. Although people with average and high SWL are generally satisfied with their lives, the individuals with average scores desire greater improvements in one or several life’s domains (Pavot et al., 1991). These findings are consistent with the previous studies showing sub-acute (Uthaug et al., 2018; Mason et al., 2019), and long-term (Bouso et al., 2012; Carhart-Harris et al., 2016; Griffiths et al., 2016; Johnson et al., 2017) positive psychological changes after psychedelics use. These findings add to the growing number of empirical evidence indicating that beneficial subjective psychological changes induced by psychedelics outlast the state of acute effects that in case of ayahuasca, last for approximately 4 h (Riba et al., 2001).
- Conversely, 7 days later, a DT variable was found to be increased, in that individuals were able to come up with more new ideas for one of the creativity tasks.
- Adverse emotional-cognitive and altered perception effects were more likely to be observed in females, younger participants, and those unmarried.
- The PCT consists of stimuli containing between 4 and 12 color pictures shown in two or three rows.
- When combined, the two plants form a powerful psychoactive brew that impacts the central nervous system, producing hallucinations, out-of-body experiences, and euphoria.
- Regarding the clinical variables, only a previous diagnosis of anxiety disorder increased the likelihood of adverse emotional-cognitive effects, and previous physical health conditions increased the likelihood of altered perception adverse effects.
- Among all participants, 55% also reported adverse mental health effects, including hearing or seeing things (28.5%), feeling disconnected or alone (21.0%), and having nightmares or disturbing thoughts (19.2%).
In the present study, the original, English version was used to acquire a better understanding of the experiences the participants had about ego dissolution during the ayahuasca ceremony. For example “I experienced a dissolution of my “self or ego” and “I felt at one with the Universe”. The participants answered the scale with endpoints of either 0 (No, not more than usual) or 100 (Yes, I experienced this completely/entirely). The EDI was scored by calculating the mean of all items, with a higher total score indicating a stronger experience of ego dissolution. The scale has been shown to have excellent internal consistency (Nour et al., 2016). One problem in characterizing the effects of ayahuasca is the variable composition of the brew.
Twenty participants (66.7%) reported having had experience with other entheogenic drugs in the past, whereas 10 participants (33.3%) reported they had no experience with other entheogenic drugs. As hypothesized, the study found decreases in neuroticism 1 week after the ayahuasca ceremony; the other four traits were unaffected. The fact that personality can change after a psychedelic experience has been shown previously (Griffiths et al., 2011; MacLean et al., 2011; Bouso et al., 2015; Johnstad 2021), however, most of the studies showed changes in openness which were not found in the present study. Previously it has been suggested that neuroticism could lead to difficult experiences when taking a psychedelic (Barrett et al., 2017), though other studies did not show this relation (Studerus et al., 2012; Haijen et al., 2018). Of interest here is that a previous study showed that individuals with low psychological well-being and higher scores of neuroticism report consuming psychedelic substances with the achievement of positive outcomes (Mason et al., 2020). Therefore, psychedelic-related changes in personality traits should be further investigated, to understand how personality changes over time and how this might facilitate the therapeutic process.
Demographic information such as age, sex, highest level of education, and country of residence was obtained from participants, in addition to their lifetime history of mental health diagnoses and detailed ayahuasca drinking history, including frequency, patterns, and contexts of use. The intensity of the acute subjective spiritual experience was evaluated via a modified version of the nine-item Short Index of Mystical Orientation (SIMO) [61] (see [5] for more information). The ayahuasca ceremonies in the Netherlands were held in a tipi outside or in a big hotel room. The goal of the ceremony was to relieve psychological or physical issues, increase well-being, or to gain personal insights. In each ceremony, there were at least two or more experienced ayahuasca facilitators with a background in healing and/or coaching.
Data Availability
Another known health risk is the potential for drug interactions with some of the MAOI components of the brew. Concomitant use of certain prescription drugs (especially serotonergic substances) can increase adverse health effects, including the risk of serotonin syndrome [48]. On the other hand, it has been impossible to directly relate a single death to ayahuasca use [72]. There is also no evidence that ayahuasca has substantial or persistent abuse potential [18, 48]. Learning more about which conditions may be related to the occurrence of adverse effects of ayahuasca could help ayahuasca providers and guides to better screen substance abuse group activities users before administration and to provide better targeted integration support after consumption. Due to the relatively small samples sizes of the different studies that have focused on ayahuasca’s adverse side effects, it is difficult to establish relationships between reported side effects and clinical, personal, social, and contextual variables.
However, full effects last for one to two hours and usually end after four to six hours. People with a family history of psychotic illness or nonpsychotic mania should avoid the ayahuasca vine and other psychedelic drugs. Most people who have used it don’t feel like it’s the same as a trip they might get with LSD, but instead describe it as more emotional and spiritual, as opposed to being recreational. Within about a half-hour after consuming ayahuasca tea, people experience something that they describe as hallucinations.
Sample characteristics
Researchers also carefully prepare and control the brews of ayahuasca that they use, but this is not always the case outside of clinical trials. Supporting this idea, further evidence also suggests that there are beneficial effects of ayahuasca for those with tobacco and alcohol dependence. Ayahuasca may also help treat anxiety and mood disorders, according to a review of six studies. The abundances of the analytical signals are equally scaled for each analyte and the concentrations in the brews are annotated.
A total of 64 volunteers signed the informed consent form and agreed to participate in the study. Incomplete or missing test batteries were due to time constraints and/or participant dropout. More information regarding participants’ enrollment and completion rates can be found in Figure 1. Perkins noted that his group is now part of a $2 million phase 2 clinical trial of Ayahuasca for alcohol use disorder and treatment-resistance depression. The study was co-authored by Daniel Perkins, PhD, a senior research fellow at the University of Melbourne who used data from an online Global Ayahuasca Survey carried out between 2017 and 2019 of 10,836 people from more than 50 countries who were at least 18 years old and had used Ayahuasca at least once. This all-nighter involves vomiting and diarrhea, freeing you from pent-up energy and unexpressed emotions.
The current study found decrements in divergent thinking (quantified as the ratio of originality and fluency) at both post-ceremonial assessments. Recently, a placebo-controlled study assessing the effect of psilocybin on acute and persisting creative cognition found an acute decrease in deliberate, task-based DT across creativity tasks, and a simultaneous acute increase in ratings of spontaneous creative insight (Mason et al., 2021). Conversely, 7 days later, a DT variable was found to be increased, in that individuals were able to come up with more new ideas for one of the creativity tasks. Findings suggest a time- and test-related differentiation of effects on creative thinking, which should be considered when assessing creativity in future studies (Mason et al., 2021).
Many people believe that mixing ayahuasca with certain pharmaceutical drugs can be lethal. Ayahuasca is a combination of the stalks of the Banisteriopsis caapi vine and the leaves of the Psychotria viridis (chacruna) shrub. Shamans, or spiritual leaders, may add other ingredients to the ayahuasca brew to tailor the experience. A total of 57 participants from either location consented after goals and methods of the study were explained. The participants were not affiliated to any ayahuasca religion (e.g., União do Vegetal, or Santo Daime). While ayahuasca is generally classified as a hallucinogen, many believe the experience and the effects ayahuasca has on the brain are different from drugs like LSD or mushrooms.
Note this question did not specifically describe these items as adverse effects. Individuals reporting an increase on any item were asked if they required “support from a psychiatrist, physician, therapist, counsellor, or alternative health practitioner to cope with these feelings/experiences? ” and then if they “believe the feelings were/are part of a positive process of growth or integration? The strength of this study, being naturalistic, is also its greatest limitation. While the ecological validity is high, the sample is self-selected, and it suffers from typically high drop-out rates.
The present study aimed to assess sub-acute and long-term effects of ayahuasca on well-being and cognitive thinking style. The second objective was to assess whether sub-acute and long-term effects of ayahuasca depend on the degree of ego dissolution that was experienced after consumption of ayahuasca. These findings, although promising, should be interpreted with caution as practice effects cannot be ruled out. To minimize this, parallel versions of the test were used at each assessment point, and no feedback on performance was given. Nevertheless, practice effects have been suggested when utilizing this task in a placebo-controlled, experimental salvia dosage chart study with psilocybin (Mason et al., 2021).
The majority of the participants (55%) were males, 42% were females, and 3% chose not to answer the question. We did not test for possible sex differences at any of the study time points, as it would divide the sample sizes approximately in half, which would result in too small subgroups to conduct meaningful statistics on. Most participants were from Europe (78%), while the rest were from North America (10%), the Middle East (4.7%), or undisclosed (7.3%). About one-fourth (23.4%) of the participants had used ayahuasca before, and all of them did so during a group retreat. Furthermore, 52% of the participants had previously used psychedelics other than ayahuasca, e.g., psilocybin, LSD, and DMT.
As noted above, the most frequently reported adverse physical health effect was vomiting/nausea (68.2%), while the frequency of other adverse effects was 17.8% (headache) or lower. It is important to clarify that vomiting/nausea is considered a normal effect of ayahuasca for experienced users. In the case of traditional ayahuasca ceremonies and even in non-traditional ceremonies, not only is vomiting/nausea not considered an adverse effect, but it is even sought out for its purging and perceived spiritual cleansing benefits [46].